Our mission statement
As booksellers, we love Elliott Bay and believe in its incredible potential as a hub of information, conversation, and community. We strive to cultivate a space where stories and culture flourish, and build a thriving and sustainable business that benefits ourselves, our customers, and our neighbors on Capitol Hill and throughout Seattle.
We organize because our people are what make Elliott Bay a beloved Seattle institution. Through collective bargaining we can create a secure and fulfilling work environment for booksellers to build long-term futures here.
Our trade is often seen as a labor of love, and it is. But our knowledgeable and talented booksellers should feel secure in their jobs. We should not fear being forced out of the work we love by rising rents and cost of living, medical bills, or the prospect of an indefinitely deferred retirement.
We require good health insurance, benefits, and competitive wages so that we can lower our turnover rate and hold on to the staff that makes Elliott Bay the legendary Seattle institution it is.
We organize for a voice and a relationship with management that allows us to flourish—as a store, and as the individuals who together make Elliott Bay possible.